About us
our Pastor:
Raymond Causey, former director of the Urban Family Ministry; [Cru] is a licensed, ordained minister in the PCA and now pastors Redemption Fellowship Church in Fayetteville, GA.
Raymond is a graduate of Biola University where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications with a minor in Biblical Studies. Raymond has an M. Div from Metro Atlanta Seminary. Raymond is a national conference speaker with Family Life’s “A Week-End To Remember” Marriage Conference. Speaking engagements have taken Raymond across the US, Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Bahamas and Africa.
Raymond has been the speaker for a number of churches, retreats, seminars, and Christian Bible studies. Additionally, Raymond has been the guest speaker for the Atlanta Falcons chapel, Miami Dolphins chapel, University of Miami Football Team, Christian radio, and several Colleges and Universities, including his Alma Mater, Biola University.
Raymond is the author of the book “Changing for Good: Practical Steps for Breaking Your Negative Patterns”; InterVarsity Press 2002. “Changing for Good” was reprinted for the 9th printing 2018. Raymond also is a contributing author for the book: “My Heart-Christ’s Home: Through the Year Devotional with Robert Boyd Munger and others: InterVarsity Press 2004.
Raymond is a member of faculty and serves on the board of the Metro Atlanta Seminary. His wife Donna is a conference speaker, Bible teacher and mentor. Raymond and Donna have four adult children: Kimya Trotter (married), Whitney Turner (married), Brian and Courtney. Raymond and Donna have two grandchildren; Rylan and Kamyrn Trotter. Raymond and Donna have been married since 1979 and currently reside in Riverdale, Ga. just outside Atlanta.

Raymond Causey