DOn't Miss OuR Weekly + UpComing Events:

Virtual Wednesday Night Bible Study + Prayer
We encourage you to take a break from your hectic schedule to join us for Wednesday Night Bible Study and Prayer.
Our combined bible study and prayer takes place each Wednesday night here at Redemption Fellowship Church from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.
Please plan to attend via Zoom each Wednesday night as we continue to study God’s Word and pray for the needs of our church and beyond. Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you. Please contact us if you would like the Zoom information.
Teen Vibe - Sunday School
Bi-weekly teen-centric sunday school and fellowship for high school students. Scheduled for the 2nd & 4th Sundays of every month. Join us of our next gathering.
Connections Café
Connections Café serves a bridge that allows us to extend our love and hospitality to our visitors, but it also serves as a way for us all to connect and learn more about our Redemption family members.
Join us after service every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall for a cup of coffee and other free refreshments. Hope to see you there!
Women's Bible Study Fellowship
Bi-weekly bible study and fellowship for adult women ages 21 and up. Join us of our next gathering.

Sunday Worship Services
Sunday Worship Service: 11am - 12:30p
Watch via Live Stream, visit Sermon + Media Tab
If you are looking for passionate preaching and sound biblical teaching, join us in-person or via ZOOM every Sunday as we praise and worship God as a community.

Men's Bible Study Fellowship
Bi-weekly bible study and fellowship for men.
During the fellowship, participants will be able to pray, study the Word of God, and encourage each other. Join us of our next gathering.

For more information regarding any of the events and ministries above, please contact us at info@redemptionfellowship.org