One of the best ways to feel connected to our growing church community is to get involved. We believe that all ministry is love in action, which is an act of devotion to God and an opportunity for each of us to grow in our relationship with the Lord through serving. Our ministries and programs include the following:
If you are interested in any of our ministries, please contact us at info@redemptionfellowship.org for more information.
Women's Bible Study + Fellowship

The Women’s Ministry of Redemption Fellowship Church is committed to helping women of all ages and stages of life understand the liberating implications of the gospel. Through prayer, fellowship and practical biblical lessons, our women are encouraged to proclaim God’s Word, pursue Christ and His holiness, and have a passion for God’s people. The women’s ministry activities provide special opportunities to develop intimate, life-transforming relationships with our Father and other women.
Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship meets on the third Saturday of each month from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. The Women’s Bible Study Fellowship is an opportunity for our ladies, ages 21 years of age and older, to come together to fellowship and study the Word of God together. Brunch is served to those who attend! Please click on the Visitor/Contact tab, if interested in joining.
Men's Bible Study + Fellowship
The purpose of the Men’s Ministry is to provide men with opportunities to grow in their commitment to Christ, develop Christian friends, and to offer support in their God-given roles as husbands and dads. This ministry also provides mentoring to our young men with a goal of helping them understand and embrace the roles and responsibilities that God has laid before them as Christian men.
All men of Redemption Fellowship are invited to come out to Men’s Bible Fellowship where men are brought together to have open, biblically based discussions about all things male. Our fellowship breakfast typically takes place on the second and fourth Saturday of each month, from 9am to 10am online via ZOOM. Please click on the Visitor/Contact tab, if interested in joining.

Children's Ministry
Our Children’s Church Program is for our youth ages 4 to 12 years of age. Our program is divided into age specific classes and the classes are taught every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month during our morning worship. Currently, our classes are Pre-K to 1st Grade, 2nd Grade to 4th Grade and Preteens ages 10 to 12 years of age. Our goal with our Children’s Church Program is not simply to produce kids who will one day become smart, successful, good moral citizens. The goal is to plant the seed of God’s Word in their hearts and minds to serve as a foundation for personal salvation and to make a difference in their generation for the cause of Christ!
Teen Ministry
Our Teen Ministry is for our youth ages 13 to 18 years of age. Currently, our teens meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday during Sunday Morning Worship for our teen-centric bible study. Through engaging lessons and a relaxed atmosphere, we seek to inspire our youth to adopt a biblical worldview, grow in their understanding of the gospel and learn to make choices that are in line with God’s Word and will.

Prayer Ministry
For the vision of Redemption Fellowship to become a reality our church must believe in and rely upon the power of prayer! With that understanding the vision of our Prayer Team is to create an environment that is saturated by and with spirit-led prayer. We are seeking to become a prayer saturated church.
We encourage prayer times for all our ministries and our church families. Currently our time of Corporate prayer takes place on Wednesday evenings immediately following our mid-week Bible study. God has moved in powerful and specific ways in our church in direct answer to prayer. By faith we continue to seek God to provide all that we need to be effective in doing our part to advance the kingdom of God.
Usher Ministry
Our ushers faithfully and graciously serve by insuring that during our worship services “all things are done decently and in order” as prescribed in the Word of God. Folks in this ministry love to meet and greet our guests and members with a “welcome attitude.” If you have a question or need on Sunday mornings, look for the friendly faces wearing the usher name tag.
“I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” -- Psalm 84:10
"But all things should be done decently and in order." --1 Corinthians 14:40 (ESV)

Nursery Team
We want to provide a safe place for your child to grow in the love of Jesus, and we believe that this begins at their earliest moments. Babies and toddlers are such a wonderful blessing to our church family. We are happy to welcome your sweet little one into God’s family by providing comprehensive nursery care and a joyful playroom for your toddler.
Hospitality Ministry
The folks in hospitality set the atmosphere for loving relationships to be nurtured during various functions and gatherings. This team is a friendly group of men and women who are gifted at two very important things: preparing and serving delicious, nutritious food and making it easy for people to connect. It is a joy to hang around and mingle because of the ministry of hospitality! This ministry provides special events and activities to enrich fellowship within the church family. This includes regular fellowships, holiday dinners, and other gatherings.

Music Ministry
Reverence, awe, and honor are to be the marks of our lifestyle and worship attitudes (Heb. 12:28-29). Worship should strongly emphasize God’s holiness and loftiness. Not only should our worship reflect this, it should also be carefully conceived so as not to trivialize the worship of God. Therefore, we strive to experience God’s presence through biblically oriented worship. It is our intent to offer worship music that is God-centered and focuses on the Triune God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) as the sole object of worship. Our worship style is diverse and beneficial to the represented demographics of the fellowship. Our desire is to foster an atmosphere during corporate worship whereby all will feel free to participate.
Communications Team
The Communications Team's purpose is to serve Redemption Fellowship as an outlet for information dissemination. This purpose is achieved through several avenues that include operating and managing Redemption's social media presence, public service announcements, issuing bi-monthly newsletters, maintaining bulletin boards, as well as outreach materials, such as designing event flyers, press releases, and digital media.

Audio/Visual Ministry
The Sound ministry provides effective sound engineering coverage of services and programs. This ministry also provides copies of Redemption Fellowship worship services free of charge. Goals for this ministry include videos of service and worship software with portable projector.