Welcome to

We are a warm body of believers striving to live our lives for Christ. We serve in the beautiful city of Fayetteville, GA., and we’re always looking to see someone new. If you are searching for a church that preaches and teaches the Word of God, a church where you can grow spiritually, a church that will open its arms and loves you for who you are—then Redemption is the place for you! God is up to something here at Redemption Fellowship and we invite you to come and experience Him.

Vision + Mission Statements
At RFC, we seek to become a Great Commission driven community that excels at worship, nurture, and witness. It is our mission to impact and change our culture by developing disciples of Jesus Christ who are empowered to live out the principles of the gospel and equipped to help fulfill the Great Commission in their spheres of influence.
Sunday Worship Service: 11am - 12:30p
Watch via Live Stream, visit Sermon + Media Tab
Wednesday Night
Virtual Bible Study + Prayer: 7pm - 8:30pm
All ministry activities (Wednesday Night Bible Study + Prayer, Men's and Women's Bible Study, etc.) are currently being conducted via ZOOM. Please contact us at info@redemptionfellowship.org for more information.